woodcreeper: Molting LeConte's Sparrow
woodcreeper: Savannah Sparrow
woodcreeper: Bobolink
woodcreeper: Female Greater Scaup
woodcreeper: Snowy Owl in Madison, WI
woodcreeper: Two Scoter spp.
woodcreeper: Was hoping to find Ross's, but instead found these two Snow
woodcreeper: 10 Cackling geese
woodcreeper: Untitled
woodcreeper: Middleton, WI Great Gray Owl
woodcreeper: Middleton, WI Great Gray Owl
woodcreeper: Middleton, WI Great Gray Owl
woodcreeper: Middleton, WI Great Gray Owl
woodcreeper: Middleton, WI Great Gray Owl
woodcreeper: Middleton, WI Great Gray Owl
woodcreeper: American Avocets and Red-necked Phalaropes
woodcreeper: Greater Scaup