woodcreeper: Variable Oystercatcher (Haematopus unicolor)
woodcreeper: Variable Oystercatcher (Haematopus unicolor)
woodcreeper: White-fronted Tern (Sterna striata)
woodcreeper: White-fronted Tern (Sterna striata)
woodcreeper: Red-billed Gull (Larus novaehollandiae)
woodcreeper: Ben's first catch
woodcreeper: NewZealand-3
woodcreeper: NewZealand-6
woodcreeper: Kingfishers (Halcyon sancta)
woodcreeper: Spur-winged Plover (Vanellus spinosus)
woodcreeper: NewZealand-11
woodcreeper: NewZealand-15
woodcreeper: Red-billed (Silver) Gull
woodcreeper: NewZealand-37
woodcreeper: NewZealand-39
woodcreeper: NewZealand-60
woodcreeper: NewZealand-106
woodcreeper: NewZealand-111
woodcreeper: NewZealand-116
woodcreeper: Billy D. Kidd
woodcreeper: The Two Dads
woodcreeper: Another run
woodcreeper: Next ones to get hitched?
woodcreeper: Over the hill
woodcreeper: Ben, the fisherman
woodcreeper: NewZealand-146
woodcreeper: NewZealand-151
woodcreeper: NewZealand-153
woodcreeper: NewZealand-155
woodcreeper: NewZealand-157