woodcreeper: Day 1: Inga in Ostia, during our "escape from layover at the Rome Airport"
woodcreeper: Day 1: Inga's best Jackie-O in Ostia
woodcreeper: Day 1: A stoweaway monkey lives! (taken in the Ucciardhome hotel, Palermo)
woodcreeper: Day 1: Aghhh, after 24 hours of travel, the Ucciardhome hotel
woodcreeper: Day 2: Inga outside a theater in Palermo
woodcreeper: Day 2: A protest in Palermo
woodcreeper: Day 2: Pedestrian walkway in Palermo
woodcreeper: Day 2: Scooterville - the transportation of choice in Sicily
woodcreeper: Day 2: Militant Mannequins
woodcreeper: Day 2: Outside the Massimo theater in Palermo
woodcreeper: Day 2: Old Knockers
woodcreeper: Day 2: 4 corners, Palermo
woodcreeper: Day 2: Streets of Palermo
woodcreeper: Day 2: Palermo Cathedral
woodcreeper: Day 2: Palermo Cathedral - St. Francis
woodcreeper: Day 2: Palermo Cathedral - Fresco
woodcreeper: Day 2: Blue Nun in Palermo cathedral
woodcreeper: Day 2: Palermo cathdral
woodcreeper: Day 2: Fresco in Palermo cathedral (detail)
woodcreeper: Day 2: Palermo cathdral
woodcreeper: Day 2: Santa Rosalia, Palermo cathedral
woodcreeper: Day 2: Crypt beneath Palermo cathedral
woodcreeper: Day 2: Old gate to Palermo
woodcreeper: Day 2: Birdwatching break in Palermo park
woodcreeper: Day 2: Cemetary at Cappuccini monestary, Palermo
woodcreeper: Day 2: Mosaic on outside of Zisa castle chapel, Palermo
woodcreeper: Mosaic in Monreale cathedral - Noah's Ark
woodcreeper: Day 2: Lion mosaic in Zisa castle, Palermo
woodcreeper: Day 2: Mosaic wall inlay in Zisa castle, Palermo
woodcreeper: Day 2: Madonna fresca in Zisa castle, Palermo