woodcreeper: Funny ferry sign
woodcreeper: Waiting for the 8:00am ferry to Amherst Island
woodcreeper: Boreal Owl (Aegolius funereus)
woodcreeper: Boreal Owl (Aegolius funereus) (composite)
woodcreeper: Inga becoming a lister
woodcreeper: Pine Grosbeak (Pinicola enucleator)
woodcreeper: Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa)
woodcreeper: Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa) (profile)
woodcreeper: A typical scene at the Great Gray Owl
woodcreeper: Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa) (composite)
woodcreeper: Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa)
woodcreeper: Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa)
woodcreeper: Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa)
woodcreeper: Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa)
woodcreeper: Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa)
woodcreeper: Northern Hawk-Owl (Surnia ulula)
woodcreeper: Northern Hawk-Owl (Surnia ulula)
woodcreeper: Northern Hawk-Owl (Surnia ulula)
woodcreeper: Northern Hawk-Owl (Surnia ulula)
woodcreeper: Northern Hawk-Owl composite
woodcreeper: Oh Canada!
woodcreeper: Inga looking for a Snowy Owl
woodcreeper: Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiaca)