may.woo: alon
may.woo: IMG_0597
may.woo: stretching
may.woo: team butter!
may.woo: team butter!
may.woo: kathryn's so graceful!
may.woo: davin pushes it!
may.woo: go go go!
may.woo: go arena!
may.woo: me on an itty bitty bike
may.woo: the line up
may.woo: some supa fast guys
may.woo: arena!
may.woo: davin peels off
may.woo: kathryn in hot pursuit
may.woo: kathryn closes the gap!
may.woo: alon takes the lead
may.woo: davin goes for a spin
may.woo: alon's still in the lead, all by his lonesome
may.woo: uh oh, they're catchin up!