may.woo: start of our trek
may.woo: friendly horses
may.woo: phil & tony
may.woo: nap time
may.woo: lago dickson
may.woo: camping buddy
may.woo: lago dickson
may.woo: phil and tony
may.woo: ben and andrea
may.woo: lovely lunch spot
may.woo: glaciar los perros
may.woo: glaciar los perros
may.woo: one of the sturdier bridges on this trek
may.woo: the valley behind us
may.woo: making our way up paso john gardner
may.woo: making our way up paso john gardner
may.woo: ben and andrea on top of the pass
may.woo: glaciar grey from the top of the pass
may.woo: glaciar grey
may.woo: glaciar grey
may.woo: sooo cold
may.woo: brrrr
may.woo: it's pouring rain! plus see those ladders up against the hill?
may.woo: andrea
may.woo: kharrend makes her way up
may.woo: simon and ben
may.woo: glaciar grey through the trees
may.woo: shelter for 8 days
may.woo: the view outside my tent