wonky knee: Pasqueflowers seen through plum blossom
wonky knee: Plum blossom
wonky knee: Tulips, stachys and golden feverfew
wonky knee: Spirea "Bridal Wreath"
wonky knee: Primulas
wonky knee: Erythroniiums
wonky knee: Chaenomeles coming into flower
wonky knee: Primrose, primulas and hyacinths
wonky knee: Broad bean seedlings
wonky knee: Chionodoxa - from bulbs, small blue flowers (4 or 5 inches high) a relative of hyacinths
wonky knee: Wierdly hairy and fluffy! Any guesses?
wonky knee: Violets - a weed in my garden.
wonky knee: That plant that flowers in the spring! The name will not doubt occur to me later.
wonky knee: Lots more tidying up to do! These are last year's Crocosmia Lucifer, about five feet high.
wonky knee: Pink buds on the spindle bush.
wonky knee: Clumps of daffs along the fence.
wonky knee: catkins
wonky knee: Spring is almost here.
wonky knee: Tulips just opening
wonky knee: White Narcissus and Snake's Head Fritillary
wonky knee: Rather a lot of self-seeded honesty
wonky knee: Wallflower and aubretia
wonky knee: Wallflower and aubretia
wonky knee: tulips with hellebores
wonky knee: tulips
wonky knee: tulips - fully open in warm sunshine
wonky knee: Black tulip
wonky knee: Wallflowers and maple
wonky knee: Wallflowers and maple