nabnabnabb: tram in hk
nabnabnabb: slightly tiny
nabnabnabb: i wish i were him.
nabnabnabb: I witnessed myself failing again.
nabnabnabb: bike day in Kowloon City's bicycle park
nabnabnabb: the happiest day in March, 2009
nabnabnabb: night market in CNY
nabnabnabb: Pic212
nabnabnabb: central on a sunday evening, 01/2009
nabnabnabb: light
nabnabnabb: i want to breathe on my own
nabnabnabb: last school day at cuhk
nabnabnabb: my lovely bag & water bottle!
nabnabnabb: a typical way to school by train
nabnabnabb: a dead mosquito.
nabnabnabb: P1000295
nabnabnabb: P1000275
nabnabnabb: P1000267
nabnabnabb: SPSS & thesis are close friends! haha~
nabnabnabb: a nice restaurant
nabnabnabb: my plant!
nabnabnabb: flowers in CNY
nabnabnabb: mysterious fruit all over the floor
nabnabnabb: the light. the signal.