wonderland.5: cigar box dining room WIP
wonderland.5: cigar box house WIP right side
wonderland.5: cigar box house WIP detail 1
wonderland.5: cigar box house WIP detail 2
wonderland.5: cigar box house WIP
wonderland.5: easy chair in a cigar box
wonderland.5: daisies and mushrooms in a cigar box
wonderland.5: bambi nursery in a cigar box
wonderland.5: cheery dining room in a cigar box
wonderland.5: seventies mirror room in a cigar box
wonderland.5: mod console room
wonderland.5: red kitchen
wonderland.5: pantry
wonderland.5: owl peeking through tree
wonderland.5: aqua couch with truck side tables
wonderland.5: AG mini room box WIP
wonderland.5: 1:6 Living room
wonderland.5: orange! 1:6
wonderland.5: Two of chairs--WIP
wonderland.5: The purple parlor
wonderland.5: detail view of Ohio Owl room box
wonderland.5: side view of Ohio Owl room box
wonderland.5: detail of hutch room box
wonderland.5: detail of Oscar room box
wonderland.5: hutch room box
wonderland.5: side view of hutch room box
wonderland.5: detail of daisy room box
wonderland.5: red kitchen detail 3
wonderland.5: red kitchen detail 2
wonderland.5: red kitchen from the side