Wonderfully Made Images: Procrastination 8/365~~~01/08/2009
Wonderfully Made Images: TheFineDetails 17/365~~~01/17/2009
Wonderfully Made Images: The Original {prior to the crop}
Wonderfully Made Images: Heart of the Kiss
Wonderfully Made Images: Baby Lady Bugs?
Wonderfully Made Images: Two Souls With But A Single Thought, Two Hearts Beat As One. ~John Keats~
Wonderfully Made Images: before and AfterPicnik.com
Wonderfully Made Images: Held In A Father's Love
Wonderfully Made Images: Look back and thank God. Look forward and trust God. Look around and serve God. Look within and find God! God closes doors no man can open and God opens doors no man can close.
Wonderfully Made Images: The Zebra Cake
Wonderfully Made Images: Cowgirl on Red