Wonderfully Made Images: The Road Goes On Forever and the Party Never ends...
Wonderfully Made Images: Down By The Tracks
Wonderfully Made Images: Without The Way There Is No Going, Without The Truth There Is No Knowing, Without The Life There Is No Living. Thomas A. Kempis
Wonderfully Made Images: Down By The Riverside
Wonderfully Made Images: Fallen and Forgotton
Wonderfully Made Images: The Old Home Place
Wonderfully Made Images: Nature IsThe Living,Visible Garment of God... Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Wonderfully Made Images: Where The Blacktop Ends
Wonderfully Made Images: Choose Wisely The Path You Will Take... it may make all the difference
Wonderfully Made Images: The Water Dance
Wonderfully Made Images: The Pessimist Sees The Difficulty In Every Opportunity; The Optimist, The Opportunity In Every Difficulty. L. P. Jacks
Wonderfully Made Images: The Blue & Gold
Wonderfully Made Images: Mirrored Reflection
Wonderfully Made Images: Morning Silhouette
Wonderfully Made Images: The One That Got Away!! 40/365~~~02/09/2009
Wonderfully Made Images: Winter Shore Line
Wonderfully Made Images: Winter Sunbathing
Wonderfully Made Images: Waiting For The Meltdown 347/365~~~02/07/2009 Count Down
Wonderfully Made Images: FriscoFountian
Wonderfully Made Images: Pier 121 13/365~~~01/13/2009
Wonderfully Made Images: Texas Fall Color No.1
Wonderfully Made Images: Texas Fall Color No.1
Wonderfully Made Images: Bird in Flight
Wonderfully Made Images: Out Bound Flight