MK:B: i'm wide awake it's morning
MK:B: so hand me that remote
MK:B: cause you can't find nothing at all
MK:B: oh hai
MK:B: the eiffel tower actually isn't that big.
MK:B: he says if i look back all my loved ones will turn to stone statues
MK:B: oh no, you don't care a bit
MK:B: you don't care a bit
MK:B: it's peanut butter & banana time
MK:B: gross
MK:B: i'm so lady like :)
MK:B: day d r e a m
MK:B: leedol friend
MK:B: new mox
MK:B: sweet baby
MK:B: things i don't remember
MK:B: oreo covered cheesecake on a stick
MK:B: big momma
MK:B: danielle
MK:B: thumbs
MK:B: hello friend