MK:B: so hand me that remote
MK:B: explosions in the sky
MK:B: the eiffel tower actually isn't that big.
MK:B: you don't care a bit
MK:B: oh hai
MK:B: gross
MK:B: to be alone with you
MK:B: hi!
MK:B: i'm not looking to get old
MK:B: more
MK:B: One could not count the moons that shimmer on her roofs,
MK:B: day d r e a m
MK:B: and we become
MK:B: danielle
MK:B: where the hell's my hope
MK:B: ruh roh
MK:B: test my arms, kick like crazy
MK:B: l o l
MK:B: that's me
MK:B: :)
MK:B: moby
MK:B: bamf
MK:B: you might sleep, but you'll never dream
MK:B: bubblekeh
MK:B: fire breathing dragon
MK:B: supergirl :)
MK:B: cutest girl/dress
MK:B: 1434