wolli s: ... red broken ...
wolli s: ... orange and blue ...
wolli s: ... checkmate ...
wolli s: ... sorry, made a mistake ...
wolli s: ... mysterious ...
wolli s: ... out of the hell ...
wolli s: ... pike missing ...
wolli s: ... lemon ...
wolli s: ... the eye of a needle ...
wolli s: ... small, smaller, smallest ...
wolli s: ... made of steel ...
wolli s: ... wrong thread ...
wolli s: ... flame ...
wolli s: ... red in motion ...
wolli s: ... waves in blues ...
wolli s: ... through ...
wolli s: ... have a break, have a drink ...
wolli s: ... the beauty of an orchid ...
wolli s: ... daisy killer ... or ... The murderer is always the gardener ...
wolli s: ... cut ...
wolli s: ... Caution ... roadworks on Sesame Street ...
wolli s: ... drops ...
wolli s: ... beauty but poisonous ...
wolli s: ... blue, blue, blue ...
wolli s: ... overloaded _
wolli s: ... patchwork ...
wolli s: ... Happy Birthday ...
wolli s: ... I did my best but I can't stitch, sorry ...
wolli s: ... Heart ...
wolli s: ... should I cut the red wire or the blue wire ? ...