Andreas W...: self with illy cup
Andreas W...: Freistadt, Upperaustria
Andreas W...: Steyr, Upperaustria
Andreas W...: A cup of coffee on Pinholeday morning loading Pinhole Billy and thinking about how long photo titles can be on Flickr because I love titles with more than one word like pinholecoffee or pinholecup or good morning
Andreas W...: No lens between her and the Polaroid film
Andreas W...: Watching the light going through the pinhole
Andreas W...: Another coffee
Andreas W...: A house, a church and a garage or living, praying, parking the car (Zemannstraße, Freistadt)
Andreas W...: chairs made with the fretsaw and a woodblock for printmaking seen by a coffee can
Andreas W...: French tourists sitting in the door of the church in Kefermarkt after visiting the world famous altar and the coffee can watches them on this Sunday in August 2005 at 15.50 for 20 seconds
Andreas W...: The church in Gutau seen from the churchyard at 14.25 on this Sunday 21 in August 2005 with an Illy coffee can on Ilford Multigrade paper. Than perfect darkroom work and inverted in Photoshop and posted for you to click and than click "all sizes".
Andreas W...: Internal reflections, leaks, paper distress and suddenly the sun brake through the clouds and I stopped the exposure because I thought the whole church of Rainbach must be in the can after 30 seconds (click all sizes)
Andreas W...: Pinhole Walking in September