46137: Lafayette with Boyle's original Scepitcal Chymist
46137: Poor Lafayette has been stuck at the bottom of my bag. He came out for dinner from the market.
46137: Lafayette's New Friends
46137: Lafayette was honored Parker drew him a picture
46137: Kavanagh's
46137: Lafayette in the fence
46137: Lafayette in the graveyard
46137: Lafayette and toumbstone
46137: Lafayette in a postal box
46137: Lafayette visits the Irish Sea
46137: Lafayette finally visited the airport library! It's been on his list for a while
46137: Lafayette is ready - let the adventures begin!
46137: #lafayette with @noahscalin
46137: #lafayette with an Animoto character
46137: #lafayette enjoys BBQ
46137: #lafayette and his French companion Souris enjoying breakfast
46137: #lafayette is learning about Ganesha (et al.)
46137: Dublin: James Joyce and Lafayette
46137: Dublin: Lafayette over Dublin
46137: Dublin: Lafayette
46137: #lafayette made it to Dublin
46137: Lafayette at CES
46137: 2012 Consumer Electronics Show
46137: 2012 Consumer Electronics Show
46137: 2012 Consumer Electronics Show
46137: Happy New Year!!! <3 #lafayette et al!
46137: Lafayette 2011
46137: Lafayette 2011
46137: Lafayette 2011
46137: Lafayette 2011