46137: Jimmy Wales, Graham and Lord David Puttnam
46137: Jimmy Wales
46137: Slide from Jimmy Wales
46137: Lord David Puttnam
46137: LWF Awards Dinner
46137: Meantime Pale Ale
46137: Learning Without Frontiers
46137: Learning Without Frontiers
46137: Learning Without Frontiers
46137: Learning Without Frontiers
46137: Learning Without Frontiers
46137: Learning Without Frontiers
46137: Learning Without Frontiers
46137: Learning Without Frontiers
46137: Learning Without Frontiers
46137: Learning Without Frontiers
46137: Learning Without Frontiers
46137: Learning Without Frontiers
46137: Learning Without Frontiers
46137: Learning Without Frontiers
46137: Learning Without Frontiers
46137: Learning Without Frontiers
46137: Learning Without Frontiers
46137: Learning Without Frontiers
46137: Learning Without Frontiers
46137: Learning Without Frontiers
46137: Theodore Gray
46137: Do we look like #edupunks? Me (@gravesle) and @timbuckteeth (aka Steve Wheeler)
46137: @timbuckteeth @GrahamBM and @larry_pixel
46137: a blurry @timbuckteeth in our #edupunk session