46137: The tour director had a special manicure
46137: MSU Final Four - our coach downtown
46137: MSU Final Four Pin
46137: Kevin leading us to Lucas Oil
46137: The Oceanaire
46137: The Oceanaire - Mussels
46137: The Oceanaire - Scott's cioppino
46137: The Oceanaire - Roasted red skins
46137: The Oceanaire - Swordfish w/blue cheese butter & sweet onions
46137: MSU Final Four-10
46137: Go Green! Entrance to Bracketown
46137: Scott & Leigh, winners of the 2010 Naismith Trophy ;)
46137: Bracket Town - NCAA Rifle Practice
46137: MSU Final Four-14
46137: Bracket Town - NCAA Rifle Practice
46137: Bracket Town - NCAA Fencing
46137: Bracket Town - PIP Bball team
46137: MSU Final Four Pep Rally
46137: MSU Final Four Pep Rally
46137: MSU Final Four Pep Rally - Fox 2 Guy
46137: MSU Final Four Pep Rally - D'Antonio!!
46137: MSU Final Four Pep Rally - Katrina from Local 4
46137: MSU Final Four Pep Rally - Back of the captain of the MSU Debate Team
46137: MSU Final Four Pep Rally - Scott n' Sparty
46137: MSU Final Four Pep Rally - D'Antonio's back side :)
46137: MSU Final Four Pep Rally - Katrina interviewing Izzo's parents
46137: MSU Final Four Pep Rally - They're watching us
46137: MSU Final Four Pep Rally
46137: MSU Final Four Pep Rally
46137: MSU Final Four Pep Rally - High Fives