46137: jambon-beurre baguette
46137: Le Bucher - where Joan of Arc was burnt
46137: Joan of Arc
46137: Bringing a little Spartan Spirit to rouen
46137: My wonderful CEP 820 students
46137: opening reception dinner
46137: Graves wine!
46137: our local butcher
46137: our local butter
46137: I made entrecôte with a cherry reduction
46137: Ahh, finally, internet
46137: Cherry Picking
46137: Cherry Picking
46137: Brandon sends love from the cherry tree
46137: Paper Airplanes
46137: Paper Airplanes
46137: Paper Airplanes
46137: Paper Airplanes
46137: Paper Airplanes
46137: Paper Airplanes
46137: Paper Airplanes
46137: Paper Airplanes
46137: Paper Airplanes
46137: Paper Airplanes
46137: Paper Airplanes
46137: Paper Airplanes
46137: Paper Airplanes
46137: Paper Airplanes