46137: pbj corrected
46137: Turbot and langoustine royale
46137: yummy macaron
46137: El Oasis Taco Stand = Love
46137: hot chocolate
46137: treacle pudding again!!
46137: these guys really wanted me to take their picture - central market - kota kinabalu
46137: my fridge
46137: the best iced latte i have ever had - from monmouth coffee
46137: eggs
46137: mmm, mmm, fresh, local, asparagus
46137: cherry tomato "burgers" with balsalmic glaze "ketchup"
46137: Strawberry + Red Currant Freezer Jam
46137: rotisserie (failed) attempt #1
46137: bacon & pumpkin pasta
46137: my favorite food
46137: Pierre Gagnaire & 46137