46137: flight cancellation chaos
46137: not sure we're going to make it out...
46137: in the air
46137: in the air
46137: reading on the plane
46137: greek salad from LAX
46137: hnl
46137: tadashi
46137: tempura
46137: tadashi sushi
46137: sushi at tadashi
46137: mmm sushi
46137: low acid kind
46137: andagi
46137: andagi
46137: da spot
46137: nutmeg!
46137: my favorite coffee
46137: farmer's market
46137: whole foods market hawaii
46137: whole foods hawaii
46137: whole foods hawaii
46137: whole foods hawaii
46137: whole foods hawaii
46137: whole foods hawaii
46137: whole foods hawaii
46137: whole foods honolulu
46137: by the beach
46137: anna took this....talented girl!