46137: with the kids who shook obama's hand! :)
46137: security detail
46137: @ the rally
46137: I think the lady in the red jacket and the guy w/the ear piece were the lead secret service people
46137: obama (30 of 35)
46137: double take
46137: obama
46137: obama
46137: he's looking @ me! :)
46137: voteforchange.com
46137: voteforchange.com
46137: the crowd
46137: barack obama
46137: change we need
46137: the crowd
46137: he is the head of the michigan campaign
46137: they are running for MSU board of trustees
46137: he sang the national anthem
46137: he got booed for wearing an OSU hat! :)
46137: NEA members
46137: the crowd
46137: ebook
46137: setting up the teleprompter
46137: waiting for 2:30
46137: waiting for 2:30
46137: getting settled in
46137: lunch
46137: lunch
46137: fox 2 news
46137: the line behind us