46137: another MAET reunion!
46137: the set up
46137: getting cold
46137: flyover for national anthem
46137: scott, kristin and leigh
46137: the big 10 network, we might be on TV!
46137: yugi keeping people warm
46137: the u of m fans
46137: scott and his boys
46137: guy from the big 10 network
46137: amanda making us egg mcmuffins
46137: amanda lost a finger
46137: the tailgate
46137: stained glass in ag/engineering building
46137: go green, recycle
46137: a wiener dog joins the party
46137: Jigzy being a good Spartan
46137: Erin and Sue
46137: k & k
46137: Murphy, the star puppy of the tailgate
46137: angela, amanda and brad trying to stay warm
46137: nice hat b-rad!
46137: and she got one, for free! what is her secret???
46137: WAY too many quotation marks
46137: random kid with murphy
46137: me and the pups
46137: sign in bathroom
46137: MAET reunion
46137: natalie & amanda enjoying bettina's chili
46137: impact reunion