46137: chocolates
46137: blueberry and violet things & whiskey jellys
46137: mango and douglas fir puree with bavarios of lychee and mango
46137: mango and douglass fir puree with bavarois of lychee and mango
46137: chocolate fondant with cardamom and harissa ice cream
46137: carrot and ginger lollypops with blackcurrent jellys
46137: like a pixie stick
46137: Turbot and langoustine royale
46137: pot roast loin of pork...in progress
46137: pot roast loin of pork w/gratin of truffled macaroni (in the copper pot)
46137: roast turbot with cockles, violet artichokes and verjus
46137: laguiole knife
46137: cauliflower risotto - carpaccio of cauliflower and chocolate jelly
46137: snail porridge with joselito ham
46137: oyster and passion fruit jelly, lavender
46137: oyster and passionfruit jelly, lavender
46137: mustard ice cream, red cabbage gaspacho
46137: salted and unsalted unpasturized butter
46137: olives
46137: cool bathroom
46137: the river & expensive houses by the restaurant
46137: river cottage (i don't think this is the famous river cottage)
46137: cool thatch fence
46137: cool thatch fence
46137: hind's head pub
46137: the fat duck