wolftone: newport - launch from fort wetherill
wolftone: entering newport
wolftone: newport - harbormaster call sign
wolftone: newport - floating lobster cooker
wolftone: humans of newport - fosters alligator guy
wolftone: newport - and then the rain started
wolftone: jerimoth hill - road sign
wolftone: jerimoth hill (812') - the mighty summit
wolftone: jerimoth hill - summit register and flag
wolftone: prayer flags at the "summit" of jerimoth hill
wolftone: jerimoth hill gps track
wolftone: waterfire taiko drummers
wolftone: waterfire lighting at the basin
wolftone: waterfire koi
wolftone: waterfire with downtown
wolftone: waterfire with boat
wolftone: waterfire - dr sunflare
wolftone: waterfire
wolftone: new england state high point #5/6