Wolfram Burner: Pedicularis groenlandica 1
Wolfram Burner: Mountain Parnassian (Parnassius smintheus) on Spiranthes sp
Wolfram Burner: Castilleja sp 1
Wolfram Burner: Painted Lady
Wolfram Burner: Great Arctic (Oeneis nevadensis) on Bluebells
Wolfram Burner: Orobanchaceae sp1
Wolfram Burner: Fritillary? on Polygonum bistortoides
Wolfram Burner: Penstemon serrulatus
Wolfram Burner: Mimulus 1
Wolfram Burner: Packera 1
Wolfram Burner: Lamiaceae 1
Wolfram Burner: Echo Basin Plants
Wolfram Burner: Wet meadow Lepidopteran on Packer
Wolfram Burner: Echo Basin wet meadow low res.
Wolfram Burner: Lep on Packera
Wolfram Burner: Rudbeckia with knotweed and grassphopper
Wolfram Burner: Valerian
Wolfram Burner: Rubus sp 1
Wolfram Burner: Anaphalis margaritacea
Wolfram Burner: Devils Club Oplopanax horridus
Wolfram Burner: Asarum caudatum
Wolfram Burner: Neottia banksiana
Wolfram Burner: Clintonia uniflora and miners lettuce
Wolfram Burner: Sorbus stichensis
Wolfram Burner: Ribes 1
Wolfram Burner: Clintonia uniflora and miners lettuce
Wolfram Burner: Sorbus stichensis
Wolfram Burner: Spotted Coralroot
Wolfram Burner: Rubus 1
Wolfram Burner: Wet meadow flowers