V and the Bats: Sterling and Suede, a love story
V and the Bats: Sterling
V and the Bats: Newborns
V and the Bats: Sleepy-heads
V and the Bats: (The other) Princess C.C.
V and the Bats: Happy dadda!
V and the Bats: First bath
V and the Bats: Puppy Love
V and the Bats: D.C. (not Washington....)
V and the Bats: D.C. with Dady
V and the Bats: He grew so fast
V and the Bats: (Rex is the cute one)
V and the Bats: That look...
V and the Bats: Wondering Bella
V and the Bats: Diva, la Formosa!