V and the Bats: Home sweet-yet-haunted home....
V and the Bats: Witches' house
V and the Bats: Stay away!
V and the Bats: A grave(back)yard
V and the Bats: "...το καημένο το κροκοδειλάκι...." - "...the poor little crocodile..."
V and the Bats: Happy Halloween!
V and the Bats: Last minute touch
V and the Bats: Restless spirits
V and the Bats: Paraphrasing... "who let the ghosts out!!!!???...."
V and the Bats: Happy Halloween!
V and the Bats: Boo to you! ;-)
V and the Bats: The knight of Flames
V and the Bats: In the Realm of Arachnides
V and the Bats: Alternative use of Mr's Potato parts
V and the Bats: One Eyed One Horned FLying Pumpkin People Eater
V and the Bats: Have a MARVEL-ous Halloween
V and the Bats: Para-pumpkin activity
V and the Bats: My Jack-o-Lanten (deliciously sacrificed)