V and the Bats: To burry past bitterness and discover new treasours
V and the Bats: Desk top
V and the Bats: Kitchen: CLOSED until further notice
V and the Bats: Bebé the baby otter, and Agostino the crab
V and the Bats: Plug it!
V and the Bats: Waiting the post man
V and the Bats: Eu não ando só; eu ando em boa companhia
V and the Bats: Lucky charm
V and the Bats: Shadow on the wall
V and the Bats: Darth Vader's Hy Van
V and the Bats: Caught between the gears
V and the Bats: Rust attack
V and the Bats: (E)MERGENCY EXIT
V and the Bats: Hold on! Hang in there!
V and the Bats: Love kills
V and the Bats: Mornign moon
V and the Bats: The trash of a man could be the treasure of another....
V and the Bats: Bang! Bang!
V and the Bats: Entrance - Είσοδος
V and the Bats: Elephant in the fog
V and the Bats: In a Matrix world
V and the Bats: E-motion
V and the Bats: Standing tall
V and the Bats: The wall got the blues...