ManuWolf: Yellowstone NP - Lamar Valley
ManuWolf: Yellowstone NP - Those dots are bison
ManuWolf: Yellowstone NP - At Lamar River
ManuWolf: Yellowstone NP - Clouds hang low
ManuWolf: Yellowstone NP - Snow on the Mountains
ManuWolf: Yellowstone NP - Lamar River
ManuWolf: Yellowstone NP - Bison at Lamar River
ManuWolf: Yellowstone NP - Bison on Lamar Meadows
ManuWolf: Yellowstone NP - Pronghorn
ManuWolf: Yellowstone NP - Bison grazing
ManuWolf: Yellowstone NP - Bison calves
ManuWolf: Yellowstone NP - Bison grazing
ManuWolf: Yellowstone NP - Bison with calf - Stop, mum!
ManuWolf: Yellowstone NP - Bison with calf - Need a snack!
ManuWolf: Yellowstone NP - Ground squirrel watching out
ManuWolf: Yellowstone NP - Ground squirrel collecting
ManuWolf: Yellowstone NP - Got some stuff!
ManuWolf: Yellowstone NP - Ground squirrel
ManuWolf: Yellowstone NP - Lark
ManuWolf: Yellowstone NP - Moose, badly injured
ManuWolf: Yellowstone NP - Soda Butte Creek
ManuWolf: Yellowstone NP - Rest area near Northeast Entrance
ManuWolf: Yellowstone NP - Ground squirrel
ManuWolf: Yellowstone NP - Ground Squirrel, curious
ManuWolf: Yellowstone NP - Watch out!
ManuWolf: Yellowstone NP - Northern Goshawk, juvenile
ManuWolf: Yellowstone NP - Clouds
ManuWolf: Yellowstone NP - At Pebble Creek
ManuWolf: Yellowstone NP - Pebble Creek
ManuWolf: Yellowstone NP - Wilderness