Wolfie Smith: Midday drinkers . . .
Wolfie Smith: Sausage anyone . . . ?
Wolfie Smith: How much fwuit . . . ?
Wolfie Smith: Roof with a view . . .
Wolfie Smith: All through Christmas . . .
Wolfie Smith: C'mon Lego . . .
Wolfie Smith: Clearly not fashionable . . .
Wolfie Smith: Lost bearings . . .
Wolfie Smith: Across the . . . shut up . . .
Wolfie Smith: Down the Up Escalator . . .
Wolfie Smith: Up the down Escalator . . .
Wolfie Smith: Emo- shuns . . .
Wolfie Smith: Circle of solitude . . .
Wolfie Smith: Ant farm . . .
Wolfie Smith: Up in urns . . .
Wolfie Smith: We sell sausages . . .
Wolfie Smith: Too cool for Skool . . .