wolfie_girl: So... you voluntarily broke your lens, eh?
wolfie_girl: What's that sound?
wolfie_girl: the polka dot light
wolfie_girl: from dusk till dawn
wolfie_girl: the years between us
wolfie_girl: skulking thorugh the forest
wolfie_girl: through the gloaming hour
wolfie_girl: of golden glow, and starbursts low
wolfie_girl: my speckled love
wolfie_girl: oh how the wind blows
wolfie_girl: Taking a break
wolfie_girl: adding the gremolata
wolfie_girl: a little to the right
wolfie_girl: The things you see stuck in traffic
wolfie_girl: The evening drive home.
wolfie_girl: MODIFIEDIMGP7671
wolfie_girl: when the eye has it
wolfie_girl: through the night gloom
wolfie_girl: emerging from the gloom
wolfie_girl: an unexpected surprise
wolfie_girl: just one more bite
wolfie_girl: don't put the light in a corner...
wolfie_girl: reflecting