halfgeek: The old piece of.... ;)
halfgeek: Top 1980s technology
halfgeek: Silly oven door
halfgeek: Just makes you want to cook, doesn't it?
halfgeek: I miss this little burner the least
halfgeek: Black is better!
halfgeek: Stovetop
halfgeek: True convection
halfgeek: Operations control center ;)
halfgeek: 139499-4
halfgeek: Reflective!
halfgeek: Christening the oven
halfgeek: Cooking down the onions
halfgeek: This Surface is Hot
halfgeek: Oven is Preheating
halfgeek: The onion tart, ready for the oven
halfgeek: Puff in the Oven
halfgeek: 139508-4
halfgeek: My onion tart, complete!