from_the_sky: IMG_5313_Z
from_the_sky: IMG_5301_Y
from_the_sky: IMG_5137_A
from_the_sky: IMG_5134_A
from_the_sky: IMG_0080_U
from_the_sky: Regensburg Cathedral on Silvester, UNESCO World Heritage (IMG_7815_A)
from_the_sky: IMG_2215_U
from_the_sky: Chicago at night (IMG_5978)
from_the_sky: IMG_5043_B
from_the_sky: IMG_5033_Q
from_the_sky: IMG_6396_D
from_the_sky: La Rochelle (IMG_1606_F)
from_the_sky: Westminster London (IMG_4696_B)
from_the_sky: Palazzo della Civilitá, Rome, corr
from_the_sky: IMG_1595_F
from_the_sky: IMG_5114_Y
from_the_sky: IMG_0644_G
from_the_sky: IMG_1438_X
from_the_sky: IMG_0637_P
from_the_sky: IMG_0031_V
from_the_sky: P1010732_F
from_the_sky: IMG_0270_A
from_the_sky: Bernini’s Elephant and Pantheon, Rome (219_1956_fa_m)
from_the_sky: Skyline and Center of Chicago
from_the_sky: The Typewriter Rome (IMG_1357_Y)
from_the_sky: Casino in Niagara (IMG_5320_h)
from_the_sky: Bellapais Monastery Kyrenia, Cyprus (IMG_0151_A)
from_the_sky: IMG_0885_Q
from_the_sky: IMG_1122_D
from_the_sky: IMG_0643_A