from_the_sky: IMG_1483_Dd
from_the_sky: Segal: Holocaust memorial, Palace of the Legion of Honor in SF (IMG_8240_far)
from_the_sky: IMG_2336_Z
from_the_sky: IMG_3028_B
from_the_sky: IMG_1273_A
from_the_sky: Dschinn_auf_Schreibtisch
from_the_sky: IMG_7888_far
from_the_sky: IMG_0003_A
from_the_sky: Georg Elser (IMG_7287_f)
from_the_sky: Georg Elser (IMG_7288_g)
from_the_sky: IMG_0439_Q
from_the_sky: IMG_6869_A
from_the_sky: IMG_1398_Z
from_the_sky: IMG_4899_A
from_the_sky: IMG_1130_B
from_the_sky: IMG_1121_B
from_the_sky: IMG_1140_B
from_the_sky: Hathor Temple Dendera (IMG_7239_B)
from_the_sky: Pantheon, Paris (IMG_0404_B)
from_the_sky: IMG_0335_X
from_the_sky: IMG_0437_C
from_the_sky: IMG_0363_A
from_the_sky: IMG_0410_B
from_the_sky: IMG_0413_X
from_the_sky: IMG_0326_Q
from_the_sky: Les Boeufs de la Cathedrale de Laon (IMG_5380_B)
from_the_sky: IMG_0011_A
from_the_sky: IMG_0024_Bss
from_the_sky: IMG_7850_B
from_the_sky: IMG_7853_B