from_the_sky: Jumping with 'Kalif' 1997
from_the_sky: Sunset, seen from Oia (IMG_1117_f)
from_the_sky: St. Joseph River (IMG_6240_f)
from_the_sky: Swedish Cross, Mainau (IMG_8746_f)
from_the_sky: Variation of the previous picture, Window Mannequins in Fira (IMG_1540_DoppP9)
from_the_sky: port65m
from_the_sky: cNDDM_D_20
from_the_sky: cNDDM_D_22
from_the_sky: Blumenwiese
from_the_sky: Crater Lake, Oregon (IMG_7527)
from_the_sky: IMG_0140_D
from_the_sky: IMG_7999_X
from_the_sky: IMG_8562_B
from_the_sky: DSCF7162-1_B
from_the_sky: IMG_8545_E
from_the_sky: W_&_Surprise
from_the_sky: IMG_8137_f
from_the_sky: Grandfather with me, about 1948
from_the_sky: MPQ_05
from_the_sky: IMG_0040_U
from_the_sky: Willy_Brandt_1960
from_the_sky: Yellowstone (IMG0032)
from_the_sky: IMG0098
from_the_sky: W&Elefant
from_the_sky: Elefant_A_f
from_the_sky: IMG0045
from_the_sky: IMG_1349_A
from_the_sky: Tarantella_2
from_the_sky: IMG_0320_G