from_the_sky: Sagrada Familia 2010 (IMG_0846_A)
from_the_sky: IMG_0851_F
from_the_sky: IMG_0857_F
from_the_sky: IMG_0859_B
from_the_sky: IMG_0862_A
from_the_sky: Gaudi - Sagrada Familia (IMG_0863_A)
from_the_sky: IMG_0865_Q
from_the_sky: IMG_0869_A
from_the_sky: IMG_0873_F
from_the_sky: IMG_0878_A
from_the_sky: IMG_0884_F
from_the_sky: IMG_0887_F
from_the_sky: IMG_0889_A
from_the_sky: Gaudi - Sagrada Familia (IMG_0895_F)
from_the_sky: Sagrada Familia - Gaudi (IMG_0905_F)
from_the_sky: Gaudi's force distribution system using hanging chains (IMG_0911_B)
from_the_sky: Antonio Gaudi (IMG_0913_A)
from_the_sky: Antonio Gaudi (IMG_0914_C)
from_the_sky: Atelier and workshop (IMG_0917_Q)
from_the_sky: IMG_0919_B
from_the_sky: IMG_0925_B
from_the_sky: IMG_0930_Q
from_the_sky: IMG_0937_A
from_the_sky: IMG_0938_A
from_the_sky: IMG_0941_B
from_the_sky: The Catalan Gurkin (IMG_0950_F)
from_the_sky: IMG_0957_B
from_the_sky: IMG_0965_B
from_the_sky: IMG_0972_A
from_the_sky: Tower Sagrada Familia - Gaudi (IMG_0973_F)