michaelrosander: The origin of the sky
michaelrosander: Remaining vaults
michaelrosander: Sea monster no2
michaelrosander: Sea monster no1
michaelrosander: Where did the horses go?
michaelrosander: A tiger lay on a stone reflecting on existence
michaelrosander: Zebra on the run
michaelrosander: On safari
michaelrosander: I talk to the wind
michaelrosander: A window from the past
michaelrosander: A hierarchy in stone
michaelrosander: The longest year
michaelrosander: Herb garden
michaelrosander: Looking for a way back
michaelrosander: Locks at Berg
michaelrosander: Motorcycle maniac
michaelrosander: A stone for every step
michaelrosander: From a tower
michaelrosander: A fairground reflection
michaelrosander: A man and his dog
michaelrosander: Two seas
michaelrosander: Branching out
michaelrosander: On top of the world
michaelrosander: Swimming
michaelrosander: The Jelly Nebula
michaelrosander: Carvings
michaelrosander: Stairway