Wofford College: Coach talks to the players after the Georgia Southern playoff game Saturday
Wofford College: Players exchange a handshake after the Georgia Southern playoff game Saturday
Wofford College: A player takes a knee after the Georgia Southern playoff game Saturday
Wofford College: Wofford vs. Georgia Southern in the quarter final round of the FCS playoffs
Wofford College: Wofford vs. Georgia Southern in the quarter final round of the FCS playoffs
Wofford College: Wofford vs. Georgia Southern in the quarter final round of the FCS playoffs
Wofford College: Wofford vs. Georgia Southern in the quarter final round of the FCS playoffs
Wofford College: Wofford vs. Georgia Southern in the quarter final round of the FCS playoffs
Wofford College: Wofford vs. Georgia Southern in the quarter final round of the FCS playoffs
Wofford College: Wofford vs. Georgia Southern in the quarter final round of the FCS playoffs
Wofford College: Wofford vs. Georgia Southern in the quarter final round of the FCS playoffs
Wofford College: Wofford vs. Georgia Southern in the quarter final round of the FCS playoffs
Wofford College: Wofford vs. Georgia Southern in the quarter final round of the FCS playoffs
Wofford College: The 1970 Football Team presents a check to the Athletic Department
Wofford College: Wofford vs. Georgia Southern in the quarter final round of the FCS playoffs
Wofford College: Wofford vs. Georgia Southern in the quarter final round of the FCS playoffs
Wofford College: Wofford vs. Georgia Southern in the quarter final round of the FCS playoffs
Wofford College: Wofford vs. Georgia Southern in the quarter final round of the FCS playoffs
Wofford College: Tailgating at the Georgia Southern playoff game
Wofford College: Tailgating at the Georgia Southern playoff game
Wofford College: Tailgating at the Georgia Southern playoff game
Wofford College: The final torch is lit on the college's Menorah
Wofford College: Wofford Theatre presents Rutabaga's Royal Academy, a play written by Wofford students for elementary students
Wofford College: Wofford Theatre presents Rutabaga's Royal Academy, a play written by Wofford students for elementary students
Wofford College: Wofford Theatre presents Rutabaga's Royal Academy, a play written by Wofford students for elementary students
Wofford College: Wofford Theatre presents Rutabaga's Royal Academy, a play written by Wofford students for elementary students
Wofford College: Wofford Theatre presents Rutabaga's Royal Academy, a play written by Wofford students for elementary students
Wofford College: Students at the 10,000 Villages Fair Trade Sale
Wofford College: Students at the 10,000 Villages Fair Trade Sale
Wofford College: Student athletes decorate the Wofford Christmas Tree