Johnny Heger: the original MJ would be jealous of this MJ's dance moves
Johnny Heger: robot arm
Johnny Heger: robot dance
Johnny Heger: riss with her robot arm
Johnny Heger: marissa doing the robot dance
Johnny Heger: VICTORY!
Johnny Heger: MJ dancing her little heart out
Johnny Heger: riss handing the robot arms to uncle johnny
Johnny Heger: practicing for her ballet class which starts next week
Johnny Heger: thats not my name!
Johnny Heger: dont call her white
Johnny Heger: time for a bed time story
Johnny Heger: william and sci fi enjoying the september sun
Johnny Heger: hey gurrl
Johnny Heger: billy almost looks big in this picture
Johnny Heger: such a happy dog
Johnny Heger: sci fi smelling flowers and catching flies
Johnny Heger: looking adorable
Johnny Heger: one of my favorite pictures ever
Johnny Heger: she is sensitive about her weight
Johnny Heger: riss was LOVING this
Johnny Heger: throw!
Johnny Heger: 1...2...3
Johnny Heger: riss makes for a good cushion
Johnny Heger: dad and marissa playing the new game "throw riss across the room and hope she doesnt get killed by the couch"
Johnny Heger: hugs for dad
Johnny Heger: celebrating the NFL season opener
Johnny Heger: jen putting aub to bed
Johnny Heger: AWWWW's