Johnny Heger: Cubs win
Johnny Heger: Cubs pitchers throwing around before the game
Johnny Heger: Derrek Lee catching the pop up
Johnny Heger: Reed Johnson takes over in right
Johnny Heger: Neal Cotts warming up his arm
Johnny Heger: Center field at miller park
Johnny Heger: Reed Johnson blowing a bubble
Johnny Heger: Miller sign at miller park
Johnny Heger: memorial statue outside miller park
Johnny Heger: finding a parking spot was tough
Johnny Heger: Cubs Win
Johnny Heger: Jeff Samardzija before the game
Johnny Heger: Driving to miller park
Johnny Heger: Tommarow Cubs Vs. Brewers
Johnny Heger: Reed Johnson in right field
Johnny Heger: memorial statue outside miller park
Johnny Heger: Lance Berkman catching a pop up in foul territory
Johnny Heger: Rich Harden stretching before the game
Johnny Heger: First of many cubs right fielders
Johnny Heger: Hunter Pence yawning in right field
Johnny Heger: Signs the people next to us had
Johnny Heger: Thank you for visiting wrigley north
Johnny Heger: awesome
Johnny Heger: Miller Park sign you can see from the highway
Johnny Heger: Mercedes-Benz Field Haus in right field
Johnny Heger: Carlos Marmol before the game
Johnny Heger: Kevin Hart warming up
Johnny Heger: Jeff Samardzija
Johnny Heger: i have no idea who this is
Johnny Heger: feels like home