Johnny Heger: She's the coolest kid on the block
Johnny Heger: Exhausted after a long day of Chuck-E-Cheeseing
Johnny Heger: Down for the count
Johnny Heger: TIIIImber!
Johnny Heger: Mom and Riss
Johnny Heger: Riss trying to get away
Johnny Heger: Putting on the new safety gear
Johnny Heger: JUICE!
Johnny Heger: You want me to wear what?
Johnny Heger: Mom and Riss
Johnny Heger: Mimi and Riss
Johnny Heger: Mimi and Riss
Johnny Heger: Riss on her trikey
Johnny Heger: Safety Grandma strapping Riss up
Johnny Heger: DSC_2411
Johnny Heger: DSC_2410
Johnny Heger: DSC_2407
Johnny Heger: DSC_2406
Johnny Heger: DSC_2405
Johnny Heger: DSC_2404
Johnny Heger: DSC_2403
Johnny Heger: DSC_2402
Johnny Heger: DSC_2399
Johnny Heger: DSC_2396
Johnny Heger: DSC_2395
Johnny Heger: DSC_2394
Johnny Heger: DSC_2392
Johnny Heger: DSC_2391
Johnny Heger: DSC_2388
Johnny Heger: DSC_2382