Johnny Heger: Sunset over Milwaukee
Johnny Heger: The best part of my room was the gorgeous view of the sunsets
Johnny Heger: Sunset from my dorm freshman year
Johnny Heger: Sun rays
Johnny Heger: During one of the storms it was so windy we could fly a kite in my room
Johnny Heger: Not my best lightning shot but I still got it
Johnny Heger: Lightning Over the Lake
Johnny Heger: View from my Dorm
Johnny Heger: Study Hard
Johnny Heger: Ta-Daaa!
Johnny Heger: Eye edit
Johnny Heger: Little Z
Johnny Heger: Pizza slices bigger than your face
Johnny Heger: Dorm Volleyball
Johnny Heger: Charlotte's a dick.
Johnny Heger: Dorm Volleyball
Johnny Heger: And I'm lucky number 7
Johnny Heger: Matt's number 5
Johnny Heger: Dorm Volleyball
Johnny Heger: Dorm Volleyball
Johnny Heger: Dorm Volleyball
Johnny Heger: Fun with shaving cream
Johnny Heger: Maybe a little too much fun with shaving cream
Johnny Heger: Fun with shaving cream
Johnny Heger: Fun with shaving cream
Johnny Heger: Fun with shaving cream
Johnny Heger: The colors Duke, the colors!
Johnny Heger: This water sure does have a lot of head
Johnny Heger: Oh college