WNPR - Connecticut Public Radio: Wayne Dailey - Spokesman for DMHAS, speaks to WNPR's Lucy Nalpathanchil
WNPR - Connecticut Public Radio: CVH Employee speaks out about needing more funding and training at the Capitol.
WNPR - Connecticut Public Radio: CVH Employees come to the Capitol to ask for more funding and training.
WNPR - Connecticut Public Radio: Mike Piscopiello, Clinical Social Worker at CVH
WNPR - Connecticut Public Radio: Mike Piscopiello, Clinical Social Worker at CVH
WNPR - Connecticut Public Radio: Mike Piscopiello of CVH hands an official letter to Gov. Rell's spokesman, Chris Cooper, asking for more training and funds for the hospital.
WNPR - Connecticut Public Radio: Chris Cooper - Spokesman for Governor Rell
WNPR - Connecticut Public Radio: CVH Workers come to the Capitol to ask for more training and funding.
WNPR - Connecticut Public Radio: CVH's Mike Piscopiello speaks to Gov. Rell's spokesman, Chris Cooper, asking for more funding and training.
WNPR - Connecticut Public Radio: CVH workers arrive at the capitol to ask for more training and funding