WM Rine: Awakened
WM Rine: Dusty Streets I Still Remember
WM Rine: One Morning in Spring
WM Rine: By the Tracks
WM Rine: In Just-
WM Rine: Portland
WM Rine: Home As It Was
WM Rine: Intimations of Home
WM Rine: Vein
WM Rine: Free in Memory
WM Rine: Where We Once Looked Out on Golden Fields
WM Rine: Northern Frontier
WM Rine: Line in the Prairie
WM Rine: Line Writ in Water
WM Rine: Ahead by Light
WM Rine: For a Morning
WM Rine: For Another Morning
WM Rine: Apart
WM Rine: Where It All Comes to Rest
WM Rine: Landmark I
WM Rine: Landmark II
WM Rine: Light at the Border
WM Rine: Late-Day Storm and Rainbow
WM Rine: A Small Idea Written on a Large Landscape
WM Rine: Down in the Grass, North Dakota Prairie
WM Rine: Milled in North Dakota
WM Rine: Sharon's Elevator
WM Rine: Going Back to the Prairie
WM Rine: Last Traces
WM Rine: Water's doodles