wmlub: Surrounded by pink
wmlub: Another bright sunny morning
wmlub: Ipê Amarelo 01
wmlub: Ipê Amarelo 02
wmlub: Red, White, and Blue
wmlub: Ipé Roxo flowers
wmlub: Ipé
wmlub: No leaves--just clumps of blossoms
wmlub: Nice setting for a walk
wmlub: Springtime blue and gold
wmlub: Blue and gold
wmlub: Jacaranda
wmlub: The Bananaquit method
wmlub: Flor do Jambo
wmlub: Ipé Amarelo
wmlub: Finding the right spot
wmlub: August colors--yellow and blue.
wmlub: Braving the winds.
wmlub: Golden chains
wmlub: Porch view
wmlub: Oasis ahead
wmlub: Not ready to conform
wmlub: Jambo blossoms
wmlub: Peeking out
wmlub: A closer look
wmlub: Pretty flowers, enormous leaves, loved by bees.
wmlub: Flor da Lobeira
wmlub: Late bloomer
wmlub: At the entrance gate
wmlub: Soft and hard