Wil and Lil: Red Cabbage Gazpacho
Wil and Lil: Jelly of Quail, Crayfish Cream
Wil and Lil: Jelly of Quail, Crayfish Cream
Wil and Lil: Snail Porridge
Wil and Lil: Roast Foie Gras
Wil and Lil: Mock Turtle Soup (c.1850)
Wil and Lil: Mock Turtle Soup (c.1850)
Wil and Lil: "Sound of the Sea"
Wil and Lil: Salmon Poached in Liquorice
Wil and Lil: Powdered Anjou Pigeon (c.1720)
Wil and Lil: "It's Not Hot. It's Not Cold" Tea
Wil and Lil: Taffety Tart (c.1660)
Wil and Lil: The "BFG"
Wil and Lil: Whisk(e)y Wine Gums