Bephep2010: Path Bordered With Walls
Bephep2010: White Wine
Bephep2010: Terraced Vineyards
Bephep2010: Rue des Sous-Riex
Bephep2010: Vineyard
Bephep2010: Lavaux Vineyards
Bephep2010: Wine Barrels
Bephep2010: Cully
Bephep2010: Lallex Grandvaux
Bephep2010: Lutry
Bephep2010: Lavaux Vineyards
Bephep2010: House with Striped Shutters
Bephep2010: Vineyard
Bephep2010: Route de Châtagny
Bephep2010: Lavaux Vineyards
Bephep2010: Route de la Petite Corniche
Bephep2010: Château de Montagny