WKMS: The Farewell Drifters at ROMP
WKMS: WKMS Setting Up for a Live Broadcast at ROMP
WKMS: Belfry Fellows on stage at ROMP
WKMS: Temp goes down crowd goes up at ROMP
WKMS: Blake and Kimberly Williams at ROMP
WKMS: Joe Biddle and Danny Clark at ROMP
WKMS: Hot dog at ROMP
WKMS: Hot dog at ROMP
WKMS: Chad, Angela, and Gary at ROMP
WKMS: Murray State alum Nancy Frees Datzman and her husband Scott at ROMP
WKMS: Murray girls Kate Bronson, Darlene Kipphut, and Lauren Barnett at ROMP
WKMS: Gary and Carlotta Presson
WKMS: WKMS booth at ROMP
WKMS: Pokey LaFarge & The South City Three at ROMP