WKMS: Ronda presents a plaque to Kate Lochte
WKMS: WKMS Grand Supper Club
WKMS: Karen Welch, Ronda Dunn, Jennie Rottinghaus, and Mark Welch
WKMS: Kate Lochte presents Constantine Curris with a gift
WKMS: Membership Coordinator Jenni Todd
WKMS: WKMS Grand Supper Club
WKMS: WKMS Grand Supper Club
WKMS: David, Matt, and Tracy
WKMS: Kate Lochte with Bill Adams
WKMS: Austin Carter with Angie
WKMS: Mark Welch
WKMS: Left to right: Liz, Anne, Stef, and Jenni
WKMS: Debi Danielson with Bec
WKMS: WKMS Grand Supper Club
WKMS: Rose Ann and Tracy Ross with David Weatherly
WKMS: WKMS Grand Supper Club
WKMS: WKMS Grand Supper Club
WKMS: Station Manager Kate Lochte
WKMS: Murray State President Randy Dunn
WKMS: Promotions and Development Director Ronda Gibson
WKMS: Volunteer Rick Nance
WKMS: Ronda Gibson presents an award to volunteer Rich Nance
WKMS: Ronda Gibson presents an award to member Austin Cobb
WKMS: What's so funny, Bec?
WKMS: WKMS Grand Supper Club
WKMS: Bec and Angie love wine!
WKMS: Mark and Chad
WKMS: Southern Red's Bar-B-Que
WKMS: Jenni Todd, Liz Harris, and Stef Boer
WKMS: Reporters Angie Hatton and Bec Feldhaus being green (they went to get the recycling bins)